OpenTSDB is a distributed and scalable time series database based on HBase.
HoraeDB follows the OpenTSDB put write protocol.
and detailed
are not yet supported.
curl --location 'http://localhost:5440/opentsdb/api/put' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-d '[{
"metric": "sys.cpu.nice",
"timestamp": 1692588459000,
"value": 18,
"tags": {
"host": "web01",
"dc": "lga"
"metric": "sys.cpu.nice",
"timestamp": 1692588459000,
"value": 18,
"tags": {
"host": "web01"
Metric will be mapped to table in HoraeDB, and it will be created automatically in first write(Note: The default TTL is 7d, and points written exceed TTL will be discarded directly).
For example, when inserting data above, table below will be automatically created in HoraeDB:
CREATE TABLE `sys.cpu.nice`(
`tsid` uint64 NOT NULL,
`timestamp` timestamp NOT NULL,
`dc` string TAG,
`host` string TAG,
`value` bigint,
PRIMARY KEY(tsid, timestamp),
TIMESTAMP KEY(timestamp))
ENGINE = Analytic
WITH(arena_block_size = '2097152', compaction_strategy = 'default',
compression = 'ZSTD', enable_ttl = 'true', num_rows_per_row_group = '8192',
segment_duration = '2h', storage_format = 'AUTO', ttl = '7d',
update_mode = 'OVERWRITE', write_buffer_size = '33554432')
OpenTSDB query protocol is not currently supported, tracking issue.